
+41 58 510 88 99


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Lawyer lic. iur.

Peter Saurer

Expertise Area:

Criminal Law

Fields of law:

Traffic law

Criminal defense

Family law

Divorce law

During difficult times such as a divorce or family dispute, it can be difficult to keep a clear head and make the right decisions. As an experienced family law and divorce attorney, I am here to guide you through this difficult process and protect your rights and interests. Let’s build a future together that is full of hope and possibility. Contact me now to discuss your legal issues and find a solution.

RA lic. iur. Peter Saurer in cooperation with Law firm Peter Saurer

Peter Saurer is a highly experienced trial lawyer and criminal defense attorney with a passion. He has been practicing as an independent attorney since 1994, focusing on traffic law and criminal defense. He has also successfully completed numerous cases in family and divorce law. Peter is a passionate hobby cook and the curling star in the Good Attorneys team.


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Or give us a call:

+41 58 510 88 99

Emergency Number:

076 507 28 14